Is This Fact Or Fiction About Cristiano Ronaldo?
Is This Fact Or Fiction About Cristiano Ronaldo?
Every day sees another Twitter timeline full of new Ronaldo stories, but can you spot what's true and what's totally made up? Take our fun quiz to find out...
Every day sees another Twitter timeline full of new Ronaldo stories, but can you spot what's true and what's totally made up? Take our fun quiz to find out...
Ronaldo has admitted that he was nicknamed 'Cry baby' as a kid because of his reactions on the pitch.
Ronaldo was named after former US president Ronald Reagan.
In 2008, Ronaldo recorded an RnB track with team-mate Rio Ferdinand entitled 'Yo, tell it to me!'
Ronaldo built a museum in his own honour in 2013 with a life-size replica of himself as a highlight.
This statue is of Ronaldo.
Ronaldo has admitted needing to go to the toilet in front of fans after drinking too much isotonic.
Ronaldo has a waxwork model of himself at Madame Tussaud's in London, which he LOVES.
Ronaldo once told a journalist he had to apologise to Chris Eagles for making fun of his butterfly tattoo.
Ronaldo was once expelled from school for a chair-throwing incident.
Ronaldo has his own iPhone game which he's very proud of.
Ronaldo has a long-standing superstition of having three goldfish in his tank at all times. Just three.
Ronaldo paid £375,000 for his gold-plated headphones, which he's called "part of me".
Ronaldo has admitted to always being terrified of climbing ivy, explaining that he found it "creepy".
Ronaldo has a fountain in his back garden with his face featured in the centrepiece.