Which winx club character suits you best?

Are you Bloom , Musa , Flora , tecna , Layla or Stella ?

Everblue Fashion
Created by Everblue Fashion (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

What is your favorite colour ?

Who would you rather have for a boyfriend ?

Who are you in your group of friends ?

What would be your dream job ?

Which selkie do you like best ?

Which fairy dust would you rather have ?

What would you like to controle ?

What do you feel like doing when your at the beach ?

What do you dislike the most ?

Which of Ellie Goulding 's songs do you like best ?



You have the personnality of Bloom , fairy of the dragon flame . Leader of the winx club , you are very sociable , you are a really nice person to be with . You might have the paranoia of being alone , but hey, who cares ? . Like her , you have the capacity to never give up . Your lovely on the inside in the outside !



You have the personnality of Musa , the fairy of music . She is the emotionnal one is the group , that isn ' t something bad if you wondered . Like her , you have an amazing voice and a great talent in music . Like her , you are very pretty you have the capacity to stay strong in the worst circomstances . People like being around you for all these amazing things you have .



You have the personnality of Flora the fairy of nature . She is the peace keeper of the group , she also has the power understand and hear what nature says . Like her , you are very kind and you hate pollution . Like her ,you have the capacity to stop fights and bring back peace because of your kindness . You are very pretty and people like being around you because of your lovely personnality .



You have the personnality of Tecna , fairy of technologie . You are the smart one in th winx club . Like her , you are very smart , you look lovely and you have the capacity to tell something bad is happening or is going to happen . you have an amazing personnality and people around you like you for that .



You have the personality of Layla ( or aisha in some versions )the fairy of waves . She is the sporty one of the group and she is very active . Like her , you are very active . . . and you dont really like to get beaten at something . Like her, you are very pretty and you have the capacity of always showing yourself strong . You most likely enjoy competition . People around you like you for your nice personnality .



You have the personnality of Stella , fairy of the shining sun . She is the funny one who brings the laughs . Like her , you are a fashionnable person and you have a good sense of humour . You also have the capacity to take only the good out of bad situations . You are very pretty and people like being around you because of your great personnality .

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