How Well Do You Remember "Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone"?
How Well Do You Remember "Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone"?
Wands up! Time to test your knowledge. ⚡
Wands up! Time to test your knowledge. ⚡
What/who does Harry see when he looks into the Mirror of Erised for the first time?
Who puts a curse on Harry during his Quidditch match?
According to Albus Dumbledore, what is the one thing Voldemort doesn't understand?
Who is Mrs. Norris?
What does Harry remember from the night his parents were murdered?
What does Voldemort drink in the Forbidden Forest?
How did Hagrid obtain his Norwegian Ridgeback egg?
What is Harry's wand made of?
What is Hermione Granger's first line?
Why did Harry name his owl Hedwig?
What's the title of the book's final chapter?
Who made the Sorcerer's Stone?
Harry finds a note pinned to his invisibility cloak. What does it say?
What is the very first sentence of the book?
What is the flavor of the cake that Hagrid brings Harry for his 11th birthday?