We Bet You Can't Ace This "Mean Girls" Quote Quiz
We Bet You Can't Ace This "Mean Girls" Quote Quiz
How fetch are you?
NOTE: Pics/Gifs do not always match the quote!
How fetch are you?
NOTE: Pics/Gifs do not always match the quote!

"On ________, he asked me what day it was."
"On _____ we wear pink."
"Everyone in Africa can read _____."
"Her favorite movie is _____."
"I hear her hair’s insured for _____ dollars."
"I wish I could bake a _____ filled with rainbows and smiles, and everyone would eat and be happy."
"She asked me how to spell _____."
"That is the ugliest effing _____ I have ever seen."
"I’m not like a _____ mom. I’m a cool mom."
“One time, she met _____ on a plane, and he told her she was pretty.”
“Whatever. I’m getting _____ fries.”
“There’s a _____ chance that it’s already raining.”
“I, like, _____ her, you know what I mean?”
"I really wanna lose _____ pounds.”
"I have this theory that if you cut off all her hair she’d look like a _____ man."
“This is the fertility vase of the _____ tribe. Does that mean anything to you.”
“My nana takes her wig off when she’s _____.”
“Stop trying to make ‘fetch’ happen. It’s _____ going to happen!”