Do You Actually Know How To Be An American?
Do You Actually Know How To Be An American?
Do you belong in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave?
Do you belong in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave?
How many Amendments are there to the U.S. Constitution?
The U.S. has no official language.
What's the smallest U.S. state?
Native/Indigenous Americans didn't receive U.S. citizenship until 1924.
What does "DMV" stand for?
Do you know your Social Security number by heart?
Abortion is legal in all 50 states.
When is Arbor Day?
Do you vote?
And last but not least, have you ever been to Disney?
You're American! Red, white and blue through and through!
You're American! Red, white and blue through and through!
You're as American as apple pie. Open minded, industrious, hilarious and warm hearted you're the best of what the good ol' U..S. of A has to offer!
You know EXACTLY how to be an American!
You know EXACTLY how to be an American!
Who cares where your birth certificate is, you know exactly how to be an American and you're damn proud! Yeeehaw!
Nope, not American. You're probably European.
Nope, not American. You're probably European.
There's no way you're American, you're too enthusiastic about voting. You must be European (or Canadian)! But hey, welcome to the party, we still love you!