What's Your Actual DNA Make Up?
What's Your Actual DNA Make Up?
What's your DNA actually made up of? What's your ancient ancestry? Let's find out!
What's your DNA actually made up of? What's your ancient ancestry? Let's find out!

What's your gender?
Are you adopted?
What color are your eyes?
Where are you from?
Where are your ancestors from?
What kind of weather are you the most comfortable in?
If you were stranded in the wild, what would YOU need to survive?
Which disease do you have in your extended family?
What language do you speak besides English?
80% European Hunter, 10% Mediterranean Herder, 10% Mesopotamian Farmer
80% European Hunter, 10% Mediterranean Herder, 10% Mesopotamian Farmer
Your actual DNA makeup is 80% European Hunter, 10% Mediterranean Herder, and 10% Mesopotamian Farmer! Most of your DNA links you to the ancient indigenous hunter-gatherers of Europe. Primarily focused in central and northern Europe, these people lived nomadic lives. Unlike their farming neighbors who came to Europe from the Middle East, these fierce and resourceful hunters were the first humans in Europe. Some of your ancestors coupled with Mesopotamian farmers and Mediterranean herders! Your DNA make up is common in most Europeans today!
70% African Hunter, 20% Mesopotamian Farmer, 10% European Hunter
70% African Hunter, 20% Mesopotamian Farmer, 10% European Hunter
Your DNA make up is 70% African Hunter, 20% Mesopotamian Farmer, 10% European Hunter! Most of your DNA links you to the hunter-gatherers of ancient Africa. Your ancient ancestors stayed in Africa as other humans migrated northeast into the Middle East and Europe. This make you descended from the most ancient human communities in the world! The African hunter-gathered lived nomadic lives and spread throughout the entire African continent. Some of your more modern ancestors most likely coupled with Middle Eastern and European people descended from ancient European hunters and Mesopotamian farmers!
90% European Hunter, 5% Mesopotamian Farmer, 5% Neanderthal
90% European Hunter, 5% Mesopotamian Farmer, 5% Neanderthal
You're 90% European Hunter, 5% Mesopotamian farmer and 5% Neanderthal! Most of your DNA links you to the ancient indigenous hunter-gatherers of Europe. Primarily focused in central and northern Europe, these people lived nomadic lives. Unlike their farming neighbors who came to Europe from the Middle East, these fierce and resourceful hunters were the first humans in Europe. Some of your ancestors coupled with native Neanderthals of Europe. Such unions are now thought to be much more common than previously thought! Your DNA make up is very common in Northern Europe!
65% European Hunter, 30% African Hunter, 5% Neanderthal
65% European Hunter, 30% African Hunter, 5% Neanderthal
Your DNA make up is 65% European Hunter, 30% African Hunter and 5% Neanderthal! Most of your DNA links you to the ancient indigenous hunter-gatherers of Europe. Primarily focused in central and northern Europe, these people lived nomadic lives. Unlike their farming neighbors who came to Europe from the Middle East, these fierce and resourceful hunters were the first humans in Europe. A significant chunk of your DNA comes from the hunter-gatherers of Africa. These ancient ancestors stayed in Africa as other humans migrated northeast into the Middle East and Europe. This make you descended from the most ancient human communities in the world! It appears that Some of your ancestors coupled with native Neanderthals of Europe. Such unions are now thought to be much more common than previously thought! Your DNA make up is very common in Northern Europe! This DNA make up is common in North and South America.
33.3% European Hunter, 33.3% Asian Farmer, 33.3% Mediterranean Herder
33.3% European Hunter, 33.3% Asian Farmer, 33.3% Mediterranean Herder
Your DNA make up is 33.3% European Hunter, 33.3% Asian Farmer, 33.3% Mediterranean Herder! A third of your DNA links you to the indigenous hunter-gatherers of ancient Europe. These were the first humans in Europe and lived nomadic lives. A third of your DNA is linked to ancient Asia farmers and another third to ancient Mediterranean herders. You DNA is very diverse, reflecting a unique and fascinating family tree!
75% Native American, 25% European Farmer
75% Native American, 25% European Farmer
Your DNA make up is 75% Native American, 25% European Farmer! The majority of your DNA links you to the numerous indigenous American communities that thrived in the Western Hemisphere until the arrival of European conquerors and colonialists. Your ancestors built diverse civilizations and lived both nomadic and farming lifestyles. Some of your more modern ancestors coupled with the descents of ancient European farmers, most likely from Southern Europe! Your ancestry is very common in Latin America!