What Role Would You Play In A Fairytale?
What Role Would You Play In A Fairytale?
What's your role in a magical fairytale? Find out now by answering these short questions! (5 questions)
What's your role in a magical fairytale? Find out now by answering these short questions! (5 questions)

Choose a word to describe yourself.
Are you likable to others? (As friends)
What do you desire?
On a scale of 1-6, how polite are you?
Would you rule a whole kingdom?
Lastly, are you willing to help strangers?
A Royal
A Royal
The results prove you are a Royal!
You are in high society, with the power to control a whole kingdom! When your kingdom is in trouble, you call for the kingdom's beloved hero to save everyone. You are polite, and show much etiquette to others.
A Villain
A Villain
The results prove you are a villain!
Your mischievous nature makes you sneaky and cunning. Your main goal might be to take down the hero and "rightfully" take back what's your's (If it was ever stolen!). But I hope your not actually evil in real life!
The Hero
The Hero
The results prove that you are a daring hero!
Kind and brave, you will do anything it takes to protect your loved one or just a whole kingdom! You were born to to care and help others. Your determination to serve and protect people is outstanding! Be the hero you were born to be!
A Fairy/Angel
A Fairy/Angel
The results prove you are a fairy/angel!
You are kind and wise. You give good advice to main characters and you have a heart of gold. You are always willing to assist and guide others to the right path. You use your magic to help others in any way possible!