What Teen Wolf female are you?
What Teen Wolf female are you?
Find out what girl are you from Teen Wolf
Find out what girl are you from Teen Wolf
What is your favorite color?
What do you look for in a boy?
What is your style?
How would your friends describe you?
Which season are you?
If you saw a creature coming toward you, what would you do?
Who would be your best friend?
If someone you love is in danger, what would you do?
If you were a werewolf, what color of eyes would you want to have?
Which element would you like to control?
Are you an Extrovert or Introvert
Whats your worst trait?
What is your favorite hairstyle?
What is your make up look?
What is your best trait?
Lydia Martin
Lydia Martin
You got Lydia Martin! You are a strong, confident, popular, intellegent person. You always put your friends first and never back down.
Hayden Romero
Hayden Romero
You are Hayden Romero! You are a strong, confident, sassy character. You're not afraid to break the rules for the people that you love. You will do whatever you can for the ones that you hold close.
Allison Argent
Allison Argent
You are Allison Argent! You are a strong, bold, sweet character who never gives up and is willing to put up with any challenges that get in your way. You will do anything to fight for the ones you love dearly.
Erica Reyes
Erica Reyes
You are Erica Reyes! You are a sassy, bold, know-it-all who loves to kick butt
You got Braeden! You are a strong fighter who will do anything to help others and never back off when it comes to fighting.
Tracy Stewart
Tracy Stewart
You got Tracy Stewart!
Kira Yukimura
Kira Yukimura
You are Kira Yukimura! You are a strong, lovable, courageous person. You are willing to do what is best for yourself and your friends. You look out and protect the ones you love.
Malia Tate
Malia Tate
You are Malia Tate! You are a sassy, strong, independent, fearless girl who strives to know more and will be willing to fight for others