How Well Do You Know Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets?

The second Potter book is full of interesting characters and plot... How much do you remember?

For Reading Addicts
Created by For Reading Addicts (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jun 2, 2017
1 / 17

Who is the new creature we meet in chapter 2?

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What is the Weasley's home called?

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Harry used the floo powder for the first time in this book... Which alley did he end up in by mistake?

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What type of car had Mr Weasley enchanted and made to fly?

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Where does the flying car 'land' when the boys arrive at Hogwarts?

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Gilderoy Lockhart is introduced to us in chapter 6... What colour are his robes?

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What happens to Harry in Lockhart's office to make him feel uneasy?

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Who do we find out is a "squib"- a non-magical character found to be born to magical parents?

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Who tried to help Harry after he was hurt at a Quidditch game?

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What do we find out Harry Potter can do when the students are in Duelling Club?

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Who, or what, does Hermione turn into when she uses Polyjuice Potion?

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Harry and Ron find something in the toilet... What is it?

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Hermione was found petrified with a prefect and a mirror lying next to them... What house was the prefect from?

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Who is the elderly, blind spider who lives in the forest?

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In chapter 16 what do we learn about Professor Lockhart?

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What do Harry, Ron, and Lockhart come across while exploring the pipes and tunnels under the school?

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Why is Moaning Myrtle upset that Harry didn't die?

Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021