Quiz – A-Z Heroines from Literature

26 clues to 26 feisty fictional females that we all love – or love to hate!

For Reading Addicts
Created by For Reading Addicts (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 6, 2016
1 / 26

Marilla Cuthbert’s unexpected kindred spirit.

2 / 26

The female half of one of Shakespeare’s greatest sparring couples. The other half is Benedick.

3 / 26

Miss Earnshaw of Wuthering Heights, North Yorkshire.

4 / 26

A heroine from 1900 who, along with her dog, isn’t in Kansas anymore.

5 / 26

Which Austen heroine says, ‘There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others.’

6 / 26

Little Paul Dombey’s adored older sister, Mr Dombey’s neglected daughter.

7 / 26

‘There comes a time when speaking one's mind ceases to be a moral duty, it becomes a pleasure’ says which Oscar Wilde character?

8 / 26

The heroine of a novel from 1850 and the victim of religious hypocrisy and misogynistic social mores.

9 / 26

Mrs Knightley, Miss Woodhouse’s elder sister.

10 / 26

The shy, plain governess of Thornfield Hall who yearns for love and equality.

11 / 26

The first Ms Everdene was Bathsheba in Hardy’s novel, this Ms Everdene arrived 134 years later.

12 / 26

A travelling heroine from 1908 trying to free herself from the restraints of Edwardian society.

13 / 26

Deputy Headmistress, head of Gryffindor House, Transfiguration professor, and later Headmistress at Hogwarts.

14 / 26

The abused prostitute and thief who shows little Oliver the first love and kindness in his life.

15 / 26

One of Shakespeare’s most tragic characters: ‘There's rosemary, that's for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember.’

16 / 26

‘Grown-ups never have any fun,’ says which best loved Swedish heroine?

17 / 26

Who threatens to remove Alice’s (and everyone else’s) head?

18 / 26

The eponymous character who is never seen but whose presence permeates every page of Daphne du Maurier’s thriller.

19 / 26

‘Tomorrow is another day.’

20 / 26

Shakespeare’s Queen of the Fairies.

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The heroine of Kate Atkinson’s 2014 novel who has the chance to live her life over and over again.

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The spoiled, petulant one in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

23 / 26

Which young heroine has this compliment paid to her, ‘one girl is more use than twenty boys.’

24 / 26

In Greek mythology this X is one of the many daughters of Oceanus.

25 / 26

A wildling from the fictional kingdom of Westeros in A Song of Ice and Fire.

26 / 26

Voltaire’s tragic heroine whose fate is condemned by the jealousy of her Muslim lover and the intolerance of her fellow Christians.

Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021