Stephen King; the Man and his Monsters
Stephen King; the Man and his Monsters
Known as the modern day King of Horror Stephen King has had many a reader on the edge of their seats fearful of turning the next page and wondering what the Hell is coming next. With dozens of novels and short stories to his name and film and TV adaptations galore, here is a quiz to test you on all things King.
Known as the modern day King of Horror Stephen King has had many a reader on the edge of their seats fearful of turning the next page and wondering what the Hell is coming next. With dozens of novels and short stories to his name and film and TV adaptations galore, here is a quiz to test you on all things King.

What breed of dog is Cujo?
How many words does King insist on writing every single day, using paper and a Waterman fountain pen?
When talking fellow author Neil Gaiman what was the one single thing he said he'd change about his life if he could go back and live it again?
What event in King's childhood is credited with his books' dark subject matter.
What was the working title of King's vampire novel 'Salem's Lot?
What is the name of the librarian who calls The Losers back to Derry for their final battle with IT?
What make of car was Christine?
What is the name of King's author son who recently had a book adapted into a film with Daniel Radcliffe playing the lead role.
Which story is the first that King wrote, although not the first one published.
What was the name of the school paper, published by his brother, that King would write articles for?
In King's 2001 novel Dreamcatcher what are the small, many toothed creatures that burrow into their hosts' bodies called?
What is the name of King's author wife?
Where did King begin writing his novel Misery?
What did King do with his first royalty check?
In Dolan's Cadillac why is Robinson's wife killed by Dolan?
Who or what is Popsy?
Where was Stephen King born?
What are the names of the 'Little Bald Doctors' in King's novel Insomnia?
What is the name of the blues singer whose murder is the cause of all the strange goings on in Sarah Laughs?
What is a Ka-tet?
What did President Obama bestow upon King in September of 2015?
Stephen King and his wife own three what in their home state of Maine?
With whom did King co author the books Talisman and Black House?
Which book's draft did King's wife rescue from the bin, kick starting his career as an author?
What happened to Stephen King in an Australian Bookshop?
What is Carrie's proper name?
In King's epic novel The Stand what do the survivors call their camp which they set up at Mother Abagail's?
What was the name of the man who almost killed King with his van when distracted by his dog who had got into a beer cooler.
King and his wife donated $1.2million to his local baseball stadium on one condition, what was it?
What is Stephen King most afraid of?