Which 50 Shades Character Are You?
Which 50 Shades Character Are You?
Are you a sexual deviant, or just a misunderstood maniac? Find out here!
Are you a sexual deviant, or just a misunderstood maniac? Find out here!

I couldn't go through a day without...
My favourite thing to do to my lover is...
What is your favourite colour?
What do you call female genitalia?
What do you call male genitalia?
Choose whichever picture you are drawn to the most.
Christian Grey
Christian Grey
Abusive, manipulative, and dangerous... You epitomise the awfulness that is Christian Grey. You believe it is normal to abuse women in the name of BDSM and actively participate in manipulating innocent women with no sexual experience. But hey, at least you are rich and good-looking or else you would be in jail, and on the sex offenders register.
Anastasia Steele
Anastasia Steele
Go on, bite your lip one more time, I dare you... You are innocent and easily manipulated due to your trusting nature, I suggest you spread your wild oats a bit before settling down to just one sociopathic maniac. Don't forget to whine and nag your potential beau just before sex. They love it. Honest.
Mia Grey
Mia Grey
You are outgoing and bubbly and far more interesting than your brother. Mostly because you were kidnapped.
Kate Kavanagh
Kate Kavanagh
Basically the opposite of your best friend, Ana, by having a personality of some sorts. Always go with your gut when you're distrustful of psychopaths who are after your best friend.