Quiz: How Messy Is Your Desk?
Quiz: How Messy Is Your Desk?
Is your desk spotless or does it need some TLC? Take our quiz to find out how messy your workspace truly is.
Is your desk spotless or does it need some TLC? Take our quiz to find out how messy your workspace truly is.

How do your coworkers describe your office space?
What is the most notable thing on your desk?
How messy is your home?
How many reminders do you have on your desk?
What do you eat for lunch every day?
What does your desk attract most?
Do you have any plants around your workspace?
What personal items do you keep in your workspace?
Master of Disaster
Master of Disaster
You haven’t seen your desktop in months and your workspace could use some TLC. Start by removing any unnecessary wrappers, papers and trash. Add an air freshener to get rid of foul smells. Label drawers and cabinets to help you stay organized. Consider relocating that old printer or bookcase that is rarely used, in exchange for a closed storage cabinet.
Cleanliness might not be one of your strengths. Could you benefit from simple desktop organizers? Personal storage towers offer room for coats, shoes and even snacks with added file drawers to reduce unsightly clutter. Even though your desk might not be the neatest, taking a few minutes to clean everyday before you leave could help you become neater.
Fairly Tidy
Fairly Tidy
You might have some papers scattered around, but you’re doing ok. A few scattered papers here or there don’t freak you out, but you generally like to keep an organized workspace.
Super Neat-Nick
Super Neat-Nick
You’re an organizational pro! You set a great example around your office with your tidy workspace and don’t let anything get in your way. Keep up the great work and you will be ready for that corner office soon!