What '80s British Band Are You?

In the '80s, British rock n roll was chock full of some iconic styles and attitudes that still hang around today. Take this personality quiz to find out which of these rock legends best reflects your character!

Free People
Created by Free People (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017



Fun-loving and caring, you love meeting people and never miss an opportunity to make new friends. You're the first one on the dance floor and the last one out of the party. You live and breathe for a few things: your friends, your partner and your puppy. Nothing in life can ever rob you of your sense of wonder and your thirst for fun.



You live in the spotlight. The life of every party, the world's a stage and you're the brightest star. In your group of friends, you're the adventurous one. The one who grabs life by the horns, takes the microphone and gets the rest of the room to start singing along.

Joy Division

Joy Division

Cool and quiet, you're the thinker in your group. You're less comfortable in the center stage than you are exploring your thoughts and creativity on your own. You prefer a small group of friends to large crowds but the friends you have chosen you hold onto tighter than anything.

The Cure

The Cure

You're the artsy one. Your life is full of emotion and you love exploring the highest highs and lowest lows in every creative outlet you have. Nothing in the world is louder than the voice of your heart and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

Dire Straits

Dire Straits

Laid back, easy going, you don't demand much out of life and are content just going with the flow. You're admired for your zen outlook, classic cool describes about everything you do. No use in getting all worked up over little things, when all you really have to do is keep living.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021