Which 'Inside Out" Emotion Are You Most Like?

'Inside Out' is one of Disneys latest films. It features 5 emotions: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger and Disgust. All of them live in a young girls brain. Take this test to find out which emotions personality is most like yours.

Created by #TotallyLlama (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 22, 2016

You find out that you are moving to a new city, away from all of your friends. You first thought is:

You go to a restaurant for dinner and you have no clue what any of the dishes are! You choose a random dish and it comes out looking and smelling weird. You think:

Which Image Appeals To You Most?

You get a text from your boyfriend saying that he is breaking up with you. 1 month later you are:

Which is your favorite color?

What is your worst social fear?

Which painting do you like most?

If you could add another emotion to 'Inside Out', which would it be?

Your friends would say that your best personality trait is...



You are almost always happy and optimistic. You focus a lot on making other people happy. People come to you for help. Wanting to help so much comes with a price though. Sometimes you can be too optimistic and controlling, and can't feel compassionate to other people when they are sad.



You tend to be very mopey and sad.You always think about negative things before the positive, and tiny things will bring you to tears. You do have a good heart however - other people just can't see it. Try to engage in more positive thinking in the future. Not everything is as bad as it seems!



Don't think that fear is a bad thing. Fear is the emotion that keeps us alive. If we didn't have fear, we would just rush into deadly situations without a second thought! You tend to be shy, and horror movies are a strict no-no. Try to be a bit braver in the future (not too much) and don't let your fear hold you back!



Anger is a completely human emotion. You can't help feeling anger. Even the slightest thing may have you in a temper tantrum. Some people may tell you that you have anger issues, but you most likely don't. You are just passionate about things. Try to not get a hot head about everything though! Sometimes you just need to take a chill pill.



You have a quirky personality. You have a good sense of fashion and love dressing up. You are always quick to tell people what you think of them, and while sometimes it may help them, it also hurts their feelings. Try to be less judgemental in the future.

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