Are you more like Ant Dec or Stephen?
Are you more like Ant Dec or Stephen?
Have you ever wondered Who you're most like out of the three? Well, hopefully, this will settle that thought :)
Have you ever wondered Who you're most like out of the three? Well, hopefully, this will settle that thought :)

What do you think is most Inportaint.
Your friend is in trouble you.
You have a big date what is it.
What time do you arrive?
Do you take the mick? Or are they taken the mick?
What are you having for tea?
What Job would you most be interested in?
Do you want kids?
What do you watch?
Left right or just in the Middle?
Are you Competitive?
What's your fear?
What Would you wear?
Anthony McPartlin
Anthony McPartlin
Your Anthony, You like things done on time you like some football and Your very determined and successful! You wished you lived in Newcastle because, your straight up Geordie! Your shy but also outspoken and your not the best with New people but once to get to know them you love them more than anything! People love you your very sexy and also very funny and a great friend. You really do fall for people and you mean it when you say you will be there forever. You can be very romantic and if you plan on having a family you will be a great parent your significant other is very lucky. You cheeky Chap!
Declan Donnelly
Declan Donnelly
AWW Your Decky, Well your so cute and everyone knows you are. You like to take time and do things the way you want them done. Your very chill and relaxed with life most of the time your away with the fairies but you also can analyze things and be very very intelligent and it sort of throws people off by your cafe free nature. You have secrets but you can't hide them. Work it girl because Your Camp AF!
Stephen Mulhern
Stephen Mulhern
Well, You're cheeky cheeky cheeky huh!
Congrats! Your our loveable Mulhern You enjoy having a laugh and pranking people. You will not stop until your at the very top! You study the way to make people laugh and amaze. You also love your best friends Loyalty is very important to you. Oh, but when it comes to food you tend to stick to your normal platter. People like to pick fun of you but really they can't resist you your just too cute and funny! Your the Best keep practicing your card tricks! x