Which Character From CW's Flash Are You?
Which Character From CW's Flash Are You?
Are you the fastest man alive? An evil genius? Or a perky reporter?
Are you the fastest man alive? An evil genius? Or a perky reporter?

At any time in Central City, where are you most likely to be found?
Pick a drink.
Which character from the show do you like watching the most?
So . . . how often do you lie?
Pick a member of team arrow to partner up with.
Pick a Marvel character.
Pick a quote.
How often do you make alliances with your enemies?
What's your family like?
Pick a word that describes you.
Barry Allen (The Flash)
Barry Allen (The Flash)
You are Barry Allen. You practically have a heart of gold and will do whatever it takes to protect others. You can be a tad clueless sometimes, but you mean well. Your combined heroic drive, keen mind, superspeed, and determination make you amazing.
Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne (The Reverse-Flash)
Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne (The Reverse-Flash)
Smart and calculating, you're always a good ten steps ahead of everyone else. Your single-minded focus and patience mean that you'll wait years watching your endgame play out. Surprisingly, you are capable of caring for others a lot. However, you don't let this distract you from your main goal: revenge.
Cisco Ramon
Cisco Ramon
Smart and energetic, you bring enthusiasm to any situation. You can be a little quirky, but it's adorable. You may play the role of sidekick occasionally, but everyone knows who the real star is.
Caitlin Snow
Caitlin Snow
You have a tendency to be a bit firm and motherly, but you really care about others a lot. You also know when to let loose and have a good time. However, you are NOT someone you want to see angry. (Killer Frost, anyone?)
Joe West
Joe West
Dependable and firm, you're always ready to fight evil and crime in any form. You often go with your gut and have a strong sense of who the real villains are. You can be a little strict, but you have a strong love for your family, biological or not.
Iris West
Iris West
Perky and optimistic, you often come up as little-miss-sunshine, but that shouldn't fool anyone. You are determined and strong. No one can stop you from finding out the true story, even if you are a tad oblivious sometimes.
Eddie Thawne
Eddie Thawne
Cool and confident, you always draw eyes when you walk into a room. You can come off as a bit of a tool at first, but you really care about people. However, you don't always have the best sense of judgement.
Captain Cold (Leonard Snart)
Captain Cold (Leonard Snart)
Calculating and ruthless, you don't let anyone, not even superheroes, keep you from your goals. At times you do have a sense of honor, but it's a bit of a lose code. You don't feel that bad about keeping some promises and breaking others. However, you're smart enough to see the big picture and know when not to push your luck.