Which Battlestar Galactica Cylon are You?
Which Battlestar Galactica Cylon are You?
Cylons are among us. Which one will YOU be revealed as?
Cylons are among us. Which one will YOU be revealed as?

What is your BSG drink of choice?
Are you a Pyramid fan?
How do you deal with change?
Do you have a technical background?
If planetary colonization was a reality, would you help build human civilization on another planet in a far away galaxy?
Choose a word that best describes you.
Who is your favorite BSG human?
Do you enjoy word games and puzzles?
Do you believe in the One True God?
Are you interested in other cultures and traditions?
Galen Tyrol - Dedicated & Sensitive
Galen Tyrol - Dedicated & Sensitive
You're loyal, dedicated, and thoughtful. Honest and reliable, you have a great work ethic and always get the job done. You can do anything you put our mind to. But you're also compassionate and sensitive. A hopeless romantic, you wear your heart on your sleeve. You're dependable and dedicated. You have strong beliefs but you don't push them on others. You're fair, kind, and understanding. People are drawn to your gentle spirit..
Saul Tigh - Tough & Loyal
Saul Tigh - Tough & Loyal
You're tough as a rock and firm in your beliefs. You're loyal and devoted. Once you put your mind to something, you won't stop until you've achieved your goals. You're steadfast and true. Sometimes your emotions get the best of you, but that just means you care passionately. You're a leader, even when you didn't ask to me in charge. Respect and loyalty are very important to you. You're strong on the outside, but sensitive on the inside.
Number Six - Adaptable & Smart
Number Six - Adaptable & Smart
You're intelligent and versatile. You have many interests and a lot of friends. You're cunning, witty, and easy to talk to. You're smart and adaptable. That makes your strong, resilient, and . You're a leader, thinker, and builder. You're a great mediator and always a step a head of the rest. You're openminded and often think outside of the box to solve difficult issues. You're calm, cool, and collected. People are drawn to your ability to handle pressure.
Number Eight - Compassionate & Thoughful
Number Eight - Compassionate & Thoughful
You're sensitive, kind, and caring. Loyal and empathetic, you wear your heart on your sleeve. But you're also tactful and smart. You're a planner and thinker. You take risks but only have you've weighed all of the consequences. You're a good listener and great at compromising. You're understanding, sensitive, and introspective. People are drawn to your compassionate spirit. You're a romantic and believe in love at first sight.
Samuel Anders - Honorable & Brave
Samuel Anders - Honorable & Brave
You're bold, brave, and a natural born leader. A fighter and survivor, you're not afraid to stand up for your beliefs. You're honest and true to yourself. People are drawn to your honorable spirit. You're fierce and intense. Some people are intimidated by you, but that doesn't bother you much. You're loyal and would do anything for the people you love. An explorer and adventurer at heart, you live every day to the fullest.
Number Three - Curious & Resilient
Number Three - Curious & Resilient
You're curious, intelligent, and resourceful. You never take "no" for an answer or let anyone get in the way of your goals. You're smart and strong. You're not afraid to seek out the truth, even if it's not the popular thing to do. You're true, honest, and one of a kind. You know exactly who are and you're firm in your beliefs. You always fight for truth and transparency. Resilient and passionate, honesty is very important to you.