What type of mermaid are you?

Find out now!

Created by georgenius (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 11, 2017

Favorite color (out of these)?

Where would you usually be?

Pick a tattoo

What hair colour were you born with?

Which of these words are more like you?

Which if these tails do you find more appealing?

Favorite item(out of the following)?

Saltwater or Freshwater?

Which eye colour would you rather have?


A ship is crashing into some rocks. What do you do?

Finally, which of these images appeal to you the most?

Royal Mermaid

Royal Mermaid

You are the beautiful Royal of the mer-folk. You're easily recognized by your shimmering blue tail, flowing blonde locks and bright blue eyes. Also, you love having gorgeous shells and pearls to wear as jewelry. You're a born leader and one day shall rule over all mermaids as their queen. Dolphins and your pets and they love to follow you around. They have earned your trust and loyalty just as you have earned theirs.
Overall you are a confident leader that happens to be one of the most beautiful species of mermaid.

Exotic Mermaid

Exotic Mermaid

You are an Exotic mermaid, fun and full of life. You tend to have ash blonde or bright red hair with wild flowers or unique shells to pin it back. You also have big green eyes that seem fascinated by everything they see. Your tail matches your eyes so it is a beautiful emerald green that glistens in the sunlight.
You love to explore - especially the kelp forests and coral reefs. You don't even have a favorite animal because you love all of them so much. Your curious personality can sometimes lead you to be distracted easily but you're so fun and adorable, other mermaids can't help but love you no matter what.

Koi mermaid

Koi mermaid

You are a Koi mermaid. Recognized by your flowing dark hair and patterned tail. Your deep brown eyes are specially adapted for swimming in freshwater rather that in salt water. You are widely known not only for you unusual habitat or appearance but also your personality. You are one of the sweetest, cutest and kindest of all the mer-folk. However, no one ever wants to get on the wrong side of you. Whenever you get angry, thin silvery fangs grow from your teeth and your nails sharpen. You can also get very feisty. Overall you are a generally nice mermaid.

Regular Siren

Regular Siren

You are the man-eating siren. Although there may be some sirens that are good,yo are not one of them. In fact, you despise them. Other mer-folk recognize you by your long dark hair, black tail and violet eyes. Unlike other mermaids, you hunt sailors and men (you don't care for the women). Also unlike other mermaids, you have a gift. You have stunning beauty and a magnificent voice that you use to lure the sailors and men to wherever you please. A hobby of yours is luring ships into rocks to make the sailors vulnerable so that you can easily drown them or feed on them live.

Good siren

Good siren

You are a Good siren. Though you are a siren, you disagree wit the bad siren ways. You were born with dark hair and tail with violet eyes though when you joined the good sirens, your hair color lightened and your tail began to change from black to orange. Also, your eyes faded from it's luminous violet to a blue or brown. Like all sirens,you possess the gift of stunning beauty and a mesmerizing singing voice. However, instead of using it to lead sailors to their death, you use it to overpower the bad sirens' singing. You save the men.
Overall you have a heart of gold and beauty beyond other's understanding.

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