The Most Beautiful Test In The World Will Determine Your Dominant Intelligence!
The Most Beautiful Test In The World Will Determine Your Dominant Intelligence!
What unique style of intelligence do you actually possess? This beautiful test will determine your dominant trait! Find out now!
What unique style of intelligence do you actually possess? This beautiful test will determine your dominant trait! Find out now!

Click on the dominant color:
Click on the dominant color:
Click on the dominant color:
Click on the dominant color:
Click on the dominant color:
Click on the dominant color:
Click on the dominant color:
Click on the dominant color:
Click on the dominant color:
Click on the dominant color:
Click on the dominant color:
Click on the dominant color:
Click on the dominant color:
Click on the dominant color:
Click on the dominant color:
Musical Intelligence
Musical Intelligence
Your dominant intelligence is musical-rhythmic!
You have a deep love and appreciation for music. This intelligence gives us a sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, and tones. You naturally see the rhythms all around you and whether you realize it or not your musical talents are remarkable. People with a high musical intelligence normally have good pitch and may even have absolute pitch, and are able to sing, play musical instruments, and compose music!
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Your dominant intelligence is logical-mathematical!
You're logical, intelligent, reliable and have naturally strong analytical abilities! This type of intelligence enables people to thrive in logic, abstract thinking, reasoning, numbers and critical thinking. You thrive in math and you're a natural philosopher at heart. You understand the world and a series of systems with clear rules and laws. You easily identify patterns and you're a remarkable problem solver. Of all of the intelligence types, this enables you to be the most successful!
Existential Intelligence
Existential Intelligence
Your dominant intelligence is Existential.
You are truly unique. You have the exclusive type of brainpower, which is religious intelligence. This type is still being explored by educational researchers. But we know that you can lead others into their own encounters with God.
Interpersonal Intelligence
Interpersonal Intelligence
Not to be confused with interpersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence is being aware of the people around you. This means you have the capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations, and desires of others. You know what to do in situations involving the people around you. Though not all with dominant interpersonal types are, you tend to be an extrovert and enjoy social events. You are a team-player and are very empathetic.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Your dominant intelligence is the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.
This means that you have the ability to control your body movements and handle objects skillfully. You are graceful and smooth in your actions and know how to work your body correctly. You are well-coordinated and have good motor skills. You enjoy hands-on projects and learn by doing.
Verbal Intelligence
Verbal Intelligence
Your dominant intelligence is verbal-linguistic!
You're a natural storyteller with a passion for words and language. You have an intense drive to express yourself and you have a natural talent for eloquent, creative, and persuasive speech!The verbal intelligence gives us the ability to create and master language! You love telling stories and you have a remarkable memory for words and dates. You easily learn new languages and you love playing with new slang. Your verbal and linguistic intelligence makes you a fascinating and charming individual!
Visual Intelligence
Visual Intelligence
Your dominant intelligence is the visual-spatial intelligence.
This means that you have the capacity to think in images and pictures and are able to visualize accurately and abstractly. You learn by seeing and observing. You tend to be a day-dreamer, thinking up possibilities and ideas in your mind.
Naturalistic Intelligence
Naturalistic Intelligence
Your dominant intelligence is the naturalistic intelligence.
This means you have the ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals, and other objects in nature. You are aware of the environment and the world around you. Matters of ecology and biology intrigue you. You are an animal person and enjoy the company of animals. You enjoy gardening and therefore appreciate scenic places. You feel more alive when in nature, so you spend a lot of time camping and hiking.