Can You Name All 20 Of These Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air Characters?
Can You Name All 20 Of These Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air Characters?
How well do you remember this fabulous series and these memorable characters?
How well do you remember this fabulous series and these memorable characters?

Created by GiggleBuzz
On Mar 29, 2017
Do you remember her name?
What about him?
Fresh Prince Super Fan!
Fresh Prince Super Fan!
Congratulations! You are the ultimate Fresh Prince of Bel Air fan! You can remember all these cameo characters from the 90's TV show. If there was anyone fresher than Will Smith, it would definately be you.
Jazz Jeff
Jazz Jeff
Well done you are the Jazzy J of Fresh Prince. You didn't pick up the starring role or top prize but your knowledge of the Bel Air family is pretty good. You can remember when Donald Trump made a guest appeareance but you can't name all the ladies Will had in his life.
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