Do You Know These Obscure Capital Cities And Their Countries?

This is the hardest capital cities test you're ever going to take.

Created by GiggleBuzz
On Feb 8, 2016
1 / 15

Jamestown is the capital of which country?

2 / 15

Tegucigalpa is located in which tropical country?

3 / 15

Vaduz is located in which principality?

4 / 15

What is the capital of Turkmenestan?

5 / 15

Castries is located on which island?

6 / 15

Vientiane is the capital of which country?

7 / 15

Nouakchott is the capital of which African country?

8 / 15

Bandar Seri Begawan is located in which country?

9 / 15

Nuku'alofa is the capital of which island?

10 / 15

Chisinau is located in?

11 / 15

Freetown is the capital of?

12 / 15

What is the capital of Kosovo?

13 / 15

Mustamudu is the capital of which country?

14 / 15

What is the capital of Namibia?

15 / 15

What is the capital of Suriname?

Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021