Which Female Pop/ Rapper Superstar Are You?
Which Female Pop/ Rapper Superstar Are You?
Which eye color would you LIKE to have?
Pick a perfume!
What's your Zodiac sign?
Which would you rather be?
Which child were you?
Which dress are you more likely to wear to an EVENT?
Which COLOR hair would you love to have?
Pick the cutest little DOG!
WORST character trait?
Drink of choice?
Pick a STATE you would like to live in?
What type of NECKLACE are you more likely to wear?
Best Trait!
You might just be the ultimate superstar! Bossy and confident like Beyonce, you are a perfectionist and ambitious. Naturally independent! Beyoncé wants to live passionately and intensely and is not averse to challenge, danger, or to facing the darker side of life - human pain and struggle.
Britney Spears!
Britney Spears!
Princess of POP! A household NAME! Spears is a positive and lively person who generally has an invigorating, inspiring, and energizing effect on others. Boredom or staying anchored in old habits is not a problem for Britney Spears since she has numerous interests and the energy to pursue many of them.
RIRI! Articulate, clever, often funny and witty, she is always a refreshing and interesting conversationalist. Fashionista Rihanna enjoys meeting and interacting with a variety of different people. She is friendly, flirtatious, and charming in a playful way, and no matter how badly she may be feeling, Rihanna never comes across as melancholic or somber.
Nicki Minaj!
Nicki Minaj!
Most would say the QUEEN of Rap! Her unique and crazy attitude makes her something amazing to see! Men crave her voluptuous body. She doesn't let anything or anyone get in her way, she strives for the best and to be the best! Hilarious and cooky attitude! Though she may come off bossy and strong, she's a truly passionate and down to earth person worth knowing!
Ariana Grande!
Ariana Grande!
A girl next door look with huge eyes, curly brown hair and charming dimples. Though she may be sweet and down to earth, she is a very determined person with no limits, she strives to be the best with hard work and dedication. Never afraid to speak her mind. Don't underestimate her for she has one of the best voices in the industry!
Katy Perry!
Katy Perry!
Katy Perry a kind of a good girl – and not so much. One of the most popular pop artists of today. A SEXY good girl because she really believes in love, integrity, and respect. She's a bad girl because she likes to tease. With having sex appeal in her deck of cards. Spontaneous but a hopeless romantic.
Taylor Swift!
Taylor Swift!
Some would say the TOP female superstar recently. She's nice, awesome, and of course pretty! She's nicer than your secret teddy bear or secret blanket! That doesn't stop her from getting what she wants! The IT girl dating the hottest guys and the most popular friends, it's easy to say probably the most likeable of the group.
Lana Del Rey!
Lana Del Rey!
Oh Lana! Beautiful and heavenly. The sensitive sensual young soul who craves love and to be wanted. With her amazing voice and aura she's able to capture you right away! One of a kind performer with a heavy heart but a 'know what she wants' attitude!