Which Soft Drink Are You?
Which Soft Drink Are You?
A quick and fun test meant to decide which Soft Drink matches your personality the best
A quick and fun test meant to decide which Soft Drink matches your personality the best
What kind of lifestyle would you prefer?
What color is most appealing to you?
Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
What thing can you not live without?
What food do you usually prefer to eat?
Pick a ride
Pick a word you think is cool?
Coca Cola
Coca Cola
Classic and traditional, you are appealing and agreeable
Root Beer
Root Beer
Root Bear, you are a little more hardcore than most, and enjoy doing boyish things, such as football, and mountain climbing.
Orange, you are generally a happy person looking at the bright side of things.
Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew, you are always very energetic and looking for something exciting to do
Dr. Pepper
Dr. Pepper
Dr. Pepper, you enjoy sitting back and enjoying life but every once in a while do something different (Like going to the bathroom. )
Brisk, You are a healthier person who likes to work out, and enjoys friendly confrontations.
You are despicable. When you go to the store, instead of buying the the item you know you should, (Coke) you decide to get a cheap substitute, (Pepsi) even though you know it is a rotten choice. And this is how you are with everything in life.
Sprite, You are a very athletic person and enjoy things like swimming ,and running