Which of 8 Types of Intelligences Do You Possess?

Howard Gardner proposed that there were eight different types of intelligences out there.. Historically in schools, logical-mathematical and linguistic intelligence were the only types of intelligence's that were tested. Slowly, as Gardner's theory gains more impact in the educational community, the less-understood intelligence's are beginning to emerge. As he said, it's not how smart you are, it's how you are smart. Find out which type of intelligence is dominant in you!

Created by Baba-Mail (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

You are lost in an underground cave with a group of people, and if you do not find a way out, you and your group will perish. What do you do?

It's Saturday, and it's a beautiful day outside. You find that you are completely free. What do you choose to do?

Which job would you be most happy doing?

What study technique works best for you?

If you were a movie genre, what would you be?

Which book title would interest you most (assuming you were forced to read one of them)?

Your close friend calls you to tell you that he/she has just broken off his/her engagement. You invite them over. What do you do next?

You wake up one morning, and there is a scientist crouched over you, taking notes. He tells you that your whole life has been a dream, and that your entire experience was engineered as an illusion by scientists for an experiment. What are you thinking?



You have visual-spatial intelligence! You are generally an artsy person, and you learn best by observing the world around you and drawing diagrams. You tend to have a good sense of direction (or at least can adequately read a map). You most likely have led an enriched life through painting, sculpture, drawing, or any other visual art form that can be imagined.



You have bodily-kinesthetic intelligence! You tend to learn things by doing them with your hands. You must engage in a material in order to understand it -- simply listening to a theory or looking at a picture is not going to help you. You also tend to be active in sports and have extraordinary balance. Moving your body brings you joy, and it is how you participate in the world around you.



You have musical intelligence! You tend to learn best by adding a beat or melody to your learning material. If you didn't sing the ABC's, you probably wouldn't readily know the letter that comes after "J" (it's K). You enjoy music in all its forms, and probably listen to it while engaging in other activities. People with musical intelligence usually play some sort of instrument (and yes, this includes singing!). You can recognize the quality of people's voices easily and are in tune (get it?) with the sounds of the world around you.



You have interpersonal intelligence! You learn by interacting with others, which is a useful intelligence to have in all walks of life. You are a people person, and tend to enjoy atmospheres with lots of friends and extended family around you. By engaging with people, you learn about the world around you. You derive pleasure from working in groups or teams and are usually happy to share. It also means that you have lots of empathy, which makes you adept at helping others.



You have intrapersonal intelligence! You learn best by looking inside of yourself, reflecting, and then projecting your inner self onto the world around you. Meditation is a great pastime for intrapersonal learners, as it will help you grow and understand yourself even better. You frequently enjoy being alone with your thoughts, especially when people become too much for you to handle. You most likely have kept a diary at some point in your life, and you know yourself so well that you can understand others similarly. Having this sort of understanding helps you to take in the mysteries of the world and attempt to solve them.



You have linguistic intelligence! This is one of the classic intelligences. It means that you learn best with words, whether they be written, spoken, or deciphered from an ancient text. You can easily understand a question posed to you, and can articulately respond with a large vocabulary. Even if you don't like to do it, you could probably succeed as a public speaker. You probably like to read and write, and you can be creative in this way. Try to write a story -- you may surprise yourself and come up with something eloquent and entirely new.



You have logical-mathematical intelligence! This is one of the classic intelligences. You see the world as a series of problems to be solved, and to your knowledge, everything has a logical answer. If it doesn't, then, a) you're not looking hard enough, or b) the question is inconclusive or missing something. You are a natural problem-solver, and you tend to easily understand numerical concepts. If you don't already, you will probably end up doing your family's taxes.



You have naturalistic intelligence! You love to be in the great outdoors, breathing in the open air. You learn best in this environment, not in a stuffy man-made building. You probably love animals and plants, and own at least one pet. People with naturalistic intelligence tend to enjoy hiking, camping, long walks on the beach, and the like, and they usually have natural green thumbs. Nothing is going to keep them inside on a sunny day.

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