Can you guess the Harry Potter character from these clues?
Can you guess the Harry Potter character from these clues?
How well do you really know your Harry Potter characters? From the well known ones to the more obscure ones find out here!
How well do you really know your Harry Potter characters? From the well known ones to the more obscure ones find out here!

Created by Gloria326 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 15
Younger Sister/Pale Blue
2 / 15
3 / 15
4 / 15
Older brother/Dark Forest
5 / 15
Snake/Godrick's Hollow
6 / 15
Auror/Order of the Phoenix
7 / 15
Daily Prophet/Ministry of Magic
8 / 15
Painting/Caprus Draconus
9 / 15
Necklace/The Three Broomsticks
10 / 15
The Deathly Hallows symbol/The three brothers
11 / 15
12 / 15
13 / 15
14 / 15
Smuggler/Order of the Phoenix
15 / 15
Questions left
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