Are Your Traits Dominant Or Recessive?
Are Your Traits Dominant Or Recessive?
Even if you're a regular Joe, your traits might not be!
Even if you're a regular Joe, your traits might not be!
Created by Grace Wiley(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On May 6, 2015
Are you hairy?
What color are your eyes?
Are you tall or short?
(male) Are you bald or balding?
Are your lips full or thin?
Do you get frequent migraines?
Are you tone deaf?
Is your second toe bigger than your first?
Do you have 6 fingers?
What's your blood type?
Your traits might be average, but personality cannot be inherited, so you can be perfectly unique!
Your traits are pretty unique, but personality is not inherited, so you could be pretty average.
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