What Type of Chambelan Are You?
What Type of Chambelan Are You?
Make your guy take this quiz and find out if you've made the right decision of picking him as your chambelan!
Make your guy take this quiz and find out if you've made the right decision of picking him as your chambelan!
![Grecia Hernandez](http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-pyt6mH9vwlk/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAF8/3baph0yIixM/photo.jpg?sz=50)
The first rehearsal for the waltz conflicts with your soccer practice, what do you do?
It is time to discuss Quince attire, what kind of tuxedo do you want to wear?
Surprise! Turns out you're into one of the damas, what's your next move?
The Quinceanera's dress seems to be two sizes too small and she is crying a river, how do you comfort her?
Your hair is a bit wild, so the Quinceanera asks you to trim it for her special day, do you do it?
The Quince is tomorrow and you forgot to pick up your tux and the rental shop is already closed, what do you do?
The Quince mass is at 6pm but the Quinceanera requested her court to be there by 430pm the latest, at what time do you arrive?
Right after the mass the whole Quince court will be taking some photos, your thoughts...
A girl from the party digs your chambelan skills and asks you if you will be part of her Quince court, how do you respond?
The Quinceanera thanks you for your participation with a $10 Starbucks giftcard, what do you do?
A 100% Committed Chambelan
A 100% Committed Chambelan
Aww image Louis Tomlinson as your chambelan?!
You're a bit too excited to be a chambelan, which is great! However you seem to be losing your voice and letting the Quinceanera make decisions for you. Sure this is her party but your opinion is valuable and needed. Don't be afraid of confrontation and speak up, she will appreciate that you care enough to say something.
A Laid-back Chambelan
A Laid-back Chambelan
Zayn Malik seems like such a carefree guy ❤
Being a chambelan is easy breezy for you! You're down for meeting halfway with anything the Quinceanera asks for; you want to look good and do your best but keep yourself occupied with your own interests as well. Not putting your life on hold because of this and participating actively is the best you can do, congrats chambelan!
A "Thank you but, No, Thank You" Chambelan
A "Thank you but, No, Thank You" Chambelan
Justin is changing his old ways but we know he tends to be a bad boy!
Most likely your mom forced you to be a chambelan so you find it really hard to care about the girl, the party and most importantly, your duties as a chambelan. You must do the commitment but as soon as the waltz takes place you'll bounce! It might be a good idea to let the girl know you no longer what to be a part of her court...