Can You Pass The Hardest Batman Trivia Game Ever?
Can You Pass The Hardest Batman Trivia Game Ever?
Come on! Don't be scared to test your dark knight knowledge
Come on! Don't be scared to test your dark knight knowledge

When was the first "Batman" movie released?
What is the Penguin's real name?
Who writes the current "Batman" comic issues?
Who voiced Batman in 7 different cartoon series?
Who got shot during "The Killing Joke" storyline?
Which of the following exclamations was NOT used on the 1966-1968 TV show?
Which of these bad guys never fought Batman?
Where did Harley Quinn meet the Joker?
What was the Huntress's original last name?
What was Barbara Gordon's nickname after she got shot by the Joker?
After leaving his place by Batman's side, Dick Grayson took the name...
Who broke Batman's back?
What is the date of Bruce's birthday?
Did Rachel Dawes exist in the comic book?
Who was working with Batman since his debut?
Which Robin was killed by the Joker?
Who killed Bruce's parents?
What was Dick Grayson's profession before he became Robin?
Which villain developed a powerful formula capable of turning men into hulking beasts?
What is the name of Mr. Freeze's wife?