Can You Pass The Hardest Batman Trivia Game Ever?

Come on! Don't be scared to test your dark knight knowledge

Greg Summers
Created by Greg Summers
On Oct 12, 2019
1 / 20

When was the first "Batman" movie released?

2 / 20

What is the Penguin's real name?

3 / 20

Who writes the current "Batman" comic issues?

4 / 20

Who voiced Batman in 7 different cartoon series?

5 / 20

Who got shot during "The Killing Joke" storyline?

6 / 20

Which of the following exclamations was NOT used on the 1966-1968 TV show?

7 / 20

Which of these bad guys never fought Batman?

8 / 20

Where did Harley Quinn meet the Joker?

9 / 20

What was the Huntress's original last name?

10 / 20

What was Barbara Gordon's nickname after she got shot by the Joker?

11 / 20

After leaving his place by Batman's side, Dick Grayson took the name...

12 / 20

Who broke Batman's back?

13 / 20

What is the date of Bruce's birthday?

14 / 20

Did Rachel Dawes exist in the comic book?

15 / 20

Who was working with Batman since his debut?

16 / 20

Which Robin was killed by the Joker?

17 / 20

Who killed Bruce's parents?

18 / 20

What was Dick Grayson's profession before he became Robin?

19 / 20

Which villain developed a powerful formula capable of turning men into hulking beasts?

20 / 20

What is the name of Mr. Freeze's wife?

Questions left
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