Which Classic Literary Character Are You?
Which Classic Literary Character Are You?
Do you love reading? Find out which classic literary character best describes you!
Do you love reading? Find out which classic literary character best describes you!

Are you male or female?
Pick a time period to live in.
What do you value most in life?
Pick an animal.
Pick a mode of transportation
What do you look for in a significant other?
Pick a place to live.
What is your biggest fear?
Pick an image.
What would be your dream job?
Pick your favorite movie out of these
Holden Caulfield
Holden Caulfield
You are Holden Caulfield! You are quite troubled and find most people to be very disappointing. You are highly intelligent and sensitive but you are also very cynical. If you don't get it together you might have an emotional breakdown...
Jay Gatsby
Jay Gatsby
You are Jay Gatsby! You come from meager beginnings but you have made quite a name for yourself, and you are not afraid to show off your success. You have a lot of perseverance towards reaching your goals, and sometimes you'll even go to any length to reach those goals even if it means doing something bad. You are also blindly in love and will do anything to be with that person.
Edmond Dantes
Edmond Dantes
You are intelligent and honest, but someone has wronged you and has made you into a vengeful and bitter person. You used to think of yourself as naive but the cruelty of the world has taught you to rule. You want justice for yourself and will go to great lengths to get it. However if you get too caught up in revenge you won't see that love is standing right in front of you!
Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre
You are Jane Eyre! You may appear soft spoken but you are a little firecracker and have a lot to say! You are highly intelligent and would make a very good teacher. You are supportive of the ones you love and want to feel equal to your significant other.
Elizabeth Bennett
Elizabeth Bennett
You are Lizzie Bennett! One of the strongest females in literature, you stand by your opinions and you are fiercely independent. You have great loyalty towards your family and stand by their side no matter one. When you are in love you make sure not to lose your own personality, and you are very wise about who you trust.
Jo March
Jo March
You are Jo March! You have a large group of family and friends and they always come first! You are the leader of the group and you are also very innovative and creative. You are clever and can be quite outspoken. You also love to read or write.
You are Charlotte! You are loving but firm, and you always know how to lift people up. You are calm, collected and very beautiful. You are a big believer in not feeling sorry for yourself and instead doing something about bad situations. You are also a very loyal friend.
You are Aslan! You are the embodiment of all that is good and right in the world! Aslan is an allegorical representation of Jesus Christ. Whether or not you are religious you have strong morals and always try to do the right thing when necessary. You are an excellent leader and strong in the face of evil.