Which Of These Simpsons Plotlines Is Real?

Can you tell which of these stories really happened on The Simpsons and which didn't?

Hannah Fox
Created by Hannah Fox
On Oct 30, 2015
1 / 10

Homer wins a pet monkey on a radio phone-in show.

2 / 10

Barney becomes a campaigner for medical marijuana.

3 / 10

The Simpsons meet Elon Musk after he lands a spaceship in their back garden.

4 / 10

Mrs Krabappel gets a new job as a prison warden.

5 / 10

Mr Burns sells Burns Manor to the Simpsons after discovering it is haunted.

6 / 10

Bart is hounded by townsfolk after sawing the head off the beloved statue of Jebediah Springfield.

7 / 10

Lisa is kidnapped by a secret society after campaigning to have Amelia Earhart put on the five-dollar bill.

8 / 10

Homer and Ned become bounty hunters. Marge gets a job in an erotic bakery.

9 / 10

Homer becomes an arm wrestling champion.

10 / 10

One Hallowe'en, Homer buys a phone - only to find out he can talk to the dead with it.

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