Which Inside Out Character Are You?
Which Inside Out Character Are You?
Ever thought about what is going on inside your head, well the Inside Out movie helps you to understand but which little coloured character are you most like?
Ever thought about what is going on inside your head, well the Inside Out movie helps you to understand but which little coloured character are you most like?

Are you male or female?
What is your favourite colour?
Which season is your favourite?
Do you wear make-up?
What job would you rather have?
Which movie out of the following do you prefer?
How would your friends describe you?
Which style is most like yours?
Which music genre do you prefer out of the following?
What do you enjoy to do in your spare time?
Lastly, who do YOU think you are most like, be honest?
Well, aren't you just a little bundle of joy! You are fun, creative and always a pleasure to be around. When your friends are feeling down, you do everything you can to make them as happy as you! You enjoy a lot things such as sports, hanging out with friends and watching movies but you also enjoy a rest. The only thing you hate is seeing people cry.
Even though you are extremely happy most of the time, sadness can sometimes get to you and you will begin to feel down. Don't let this happen though. We all prefer you when you are your usual, happy, hilarious self.
You are the stylish, popular Disgust. You are funny, pretty, mainly happy and the leader of your group. You speak your mind and don't care what others think, this makes you confident and actually makes a good friend. Your friends always turn to you with problems, especially if their problems are about hair or clothes, you can always give them the latest style tips.
However, sometimes you get a bit too confident in yourself and become a bit big headed, this occurs fall outs amongst you and friends/family members. Remember to think before you speak and you should be perfectly fine. Overall, you are usually happy and your only fear is broccoli! EW!!!
You are the hot headed, confident Anger. You are usually a simple person but you're very easily angered by the most simplest of things. This doesn't mean you can't be a great person though, for the record, if you all ready are one then great, if not, you would make an excellent dad.
Your friends adore you but they can fall out with you often as you can struggle to calm your anger. Just remember to stay calm and talk to the person who has made you angry in a peaceful manner.
You are the anxious Fear! You tend to be calm, funny and cheerful but you are easily scared, Halloween can be a scary time so you tend to stick with the people who you know either feel the same as you do, or tend to dress less scary than everyone else. Your friends adore you but look at you as an easy target to prank!
Because of your fears you tend to stay away from harmless things that honestly won't kill you. Be brave, accomplish your fears, try something new today!
You are the tearful Sadness. You tend to think negatively about things and act like your lonely when actually you know deep down you are pretty popular and have plenty of friends who love you to bits. They know how to make you give a little grin and when they try to make you laugh you end up giving in, so you can be happy if you put your mind to it, in fact, if you put your HEART to it.
A lot of things make you sad but a few things make you grin, stay near those few things and find more things that will make you happy. Remember to try and think positive.