Which Famous Paradox Matches Your Personality?
Which Famous Paradox Matches Your Personality?
You are blowing my mind right now!
You are blowing my mind right now!

Are you a philosophical person?
If you could time travel, where would you go?
Do you believe there is such a thing as absolute truth?
How necessary is personal freedom in your life?
What area of interest do you have strong opinions about?
Are you more critical of yourself or others?
Which subject was your favorite in school?
Do you believe that people can truly change?
The Bootstrap Paradox
The Bootstrap Paradox
The Bootstrap Paradox deals with how time travel works. In a nutshell it works like this: Marty McFly played "Johnny B. Goode" in 1955, and then Chuck Berry heard him playing it and performed it for the first time in 1958. But the version that Marty McFly heard was performed by Chuck Berry.
So who really wrote "Johnny B. Goode," was it Marty or Chuck?
You are fascinated by things that don't exist yet and what is possible. You are a creative free spirit who loves to think about how the world will change and evolve. You are open-minded, well-rounded, and extremely talented when it comes to things you love.
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The Card Paradox
The Card Paradox
The Card Paradox deals with the meaning of truth. You have a card that says, "The sentence on the other side of this card is TRUE," and on the other side it says, "The sentence on the other side of this card is FALSE."
Which statement is true and which one is false?
You don't believe in absolutes. You believe that the world is full of possibilities and shouldn't be limited to one person's idea of what is right and wrong. You are very logical and thoughtful. The best way to influence your opinion is to appeal to your sense of reason.
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The Raven Paradox
The Raven Paradox
The Raven Paradox deals with how we understand our reality. If I make the statement, "All ravens are black" and that is true, then the opposite must also be true. This must also mean that all things which are not black are not ravens.
But are all things that are not black also not ravens?
You are detail-oriented and you often notice things that others miss. Where others see nothing interesting, you understand a deeper significance. You enjoy problem-solving and do so creatively.
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The Omnipotence Paradox
The Omnipotence Paradox
The Omnipotence Paradox deals with the question of God's power. If God is capable of everything, then can he make a stone that he cannot lift? If he can't lift a stone then he can't do everything, and if he can't make a stone that he can't lift then he also can't do everything.
So, what is God to do?
You are a confident and self-assured person. You know that you can accomplish anything that you put your mind to and you won't settle for anything less than the best. You are a perfectionist, and you never let your goals slide.
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The Pinocchio Paradox
The Pinocchio Paradox
The Pinocchio Paradox deals with the meaning of truth and falsehood. If Pinocchio says that his nose will grow now, what happens? If he is lying then his nose will grow, but his nose grows then it is not a lie.
What will Pinocchio's nose do?
You are a natural people-person. You understand what makes people click, and find it easy to influence them accordingly. You find it easy to take the role of leadership in your family, social circle, and at work. People are drawn to you, and are usually eager to hear your opinion.
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The Ship of Theseus
The Ship of Theseus
The Ship of Theseus deals with the question of what existence is. Imagine an old ship. A piece of the ship breaks and the captain replaces it. A month later another piece breaks and the captain replaces it. In a few years every inch of the ship has broken and been replaced.
Is the ship that has had every bit of it replaced still the same ship?
You are fascinated by how things work. You have a deep understanding of mechanics, systems, and data. Your mind is highly organized and you have an intuitive understanding of order.
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