Who Is Your Creepy Halloween Alter Ego?
Who Is Your Creepy Halloween Alter Ego?
Which morbid movie monster are you at your creepiest?
Which morbid movie monster are you at your creepiest?
Which of these do you find the most creepy?
Are you passive or aggressive?
Choose a spooky Halloween movie:
Which of these creepy places would you rather explore?
Do you actually consider yourself a creepy person?
What can you be found doing on Halloween?
Have you ever watched someone sleep?
Pennywise The Clown
Pennywise The Clown
Your creepy Halloween alter ego is Pennywise the clown from IT. You have a cheery and pleasant disposition, so much so that you come off as strange rather than friendly. You enjoy lurking about and creeping up on people when they least expect it. Even though you have a colorful, vibrant demeanor, you have an evil demon inside of you waiting to suck your next victim down the drain. After all, frightened flesh tastes better...
Isaac from Children of the Corn
Isaac from Children of the Corn
Your creepy Halloween alter ego is Isaac Chroner from Children of the Corn. You have always been mature for your age, but you take yourself way too seriously. You have a smug grin and eyes that lead to your deep, dark soul. Once you find something you are curious about or interested in you easily become consumed and obsessive, whether it's a project or a relationship you're pursuing. You're a cheeky, malicious little demon who shows up unannounced at people's doors. It's not too late to turn your creepy ways around before you get snatched up by 'he who walks behind the rows'....
Norman Bates
Norman Bates
Your creepy Halloween alter ego is the one and only Norman Bates from Psycho. You were traumatized as a child and have a dissociative identity disorder that causes you to slip in and out of personalities depending on your mood. You have the inner workings of a child, yet you are also controlling and motherly in nature. You are obsessively possessive and lack the social skills necessarily to communicate with your contemporaries without creeping them out. Come out from the basement Norman, mother's calling you...
Buffalo Bill
Buffalo Bill
Your creepy Halloween alter ego is Buffalo Bill or Jame Gumb from Silence of the Lambs. You have an infatuation with beautiful women, so much so that you want to be them, or in their skin. Your eccentric personality and sneaky charm helps you manipulate people into getting what you want from them. You indulge in deviant behavior and are very open with your sexuality. Your intoxicating allure brings innocent victims towards you like moths to a flame...
Jack Torrance
Jack Torrance
Your creepy Halloween alter ego is Jack Torrance from The Shining. You are a talented, bright and imaginative person, but having a great mind comes at a cost. There are demons inside of you waiting for the slightest amount of stress to awaken and haunt you. Your fears have you deeply disturbed and the voices inside of your head push you to do unimaginable things no matter how much your sanity tries to fight them. Red. Rum.....
Samara Morgan
Samara Morgan
Your creepy Halloween alter ego is Samara Morgan from The Ring. You have a childish, youthful soul, which makes you naive and curious to explore the world around you. However, when someone crosses you, a dark, evil, tormented spirit arises within you and takes control of your body and mind. You have a vivid imagination, sometimes you confuse delusion with reality. It only takes 7 days...