Which Teen Titan Are you?

Are you brave and loyal like robin, are you relaxing and slob like beast boy or are you a dark alone person like raven?

Created by HarryIsNotOnfFire (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 12, 2015

Which one of these bands, do you like the most?

What is your Favourite Colour?

What's your favourite Animal?

Pick a Picture

What Cartoon appeals to you the most?

Which Toy would want to play with the most???

What's your favourite movie?

Are you taking this seriously?


Who would you like to get?

What comes next in the theme song.
If your heart is black, you better watch out
You cannot escape the team...



You're Brave and Loyal you always look out for you friends, but your a bit obsessive...

Beast Boy

Beast Boy

You're a slob, you use your powers for fun, you only like your best friend your other friends you don't care about.



You're Dark and Mysterious, you personally my favourite and you have amazing powers



You are strong you dont take no for an answer and you look awesome.



You're Starfire! You are a bit strange, you don't understand most things, and you like to put the word 'the' infront of nouns

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On Nov 18, 2021