Which Cartoon Cat Are You?

Dog people need not apply.

Harry James
Created by Harry James
On Mar 29, 2017

How would you describe yourself?

How would your friends describe you?

How ambitious are you?

Are you more of a lone wolf or a team player?

How attractive do the opposite sex find you?

What is your favourite kind of food?

Are you a good kitty?



You are decadent. There's no two ways about it. The word 'treat' has lost all meaning - when you open your eyes in the morning you treat yourself; when you brush your teeth you treat yourself; when you eat breakfast you treat yourself. You carry this on throughout the day. Life is a big treat, to you, the most indulgent cat that ever lived. You are definitely Garfield.



You are definitely Sylvester. You know what you want, and you're willing to go out and get it. Things may not always go your way, but there's always tomorrow - keep trying, and one day you'll get what you've been working for all these years!

Penelope Pussycat

Penelope Pussycat

You're definitely Penelope Pussycat. You're alluring. There's no two ways about it. But you're also very elusive - nobody can quite get their hands on you, no matter how hard they try. You may be prone to dating people who are bad for you, but you don't let that stop you living your best life.

Snowball V

Snowball V

You're mysterious and elegant - does anyone really know the real you? Some may think you're aloof, casual, and laid-back, but when they get to know you, you're a fiery little ball of sassy energy. You may be secretive, but anyone who gives you a nice cuddle can see right through your sneaky persona - you're the cutest, and definitely Snowball V.

Princess Carolyn

Princess Carolyn

Busy, busy, busy! You are definitely Princess Carolyn. You work hard, give everything your full effort, and aim so high that most people can't even imagine what you're working for. But just because you're a hard worker doesn't mean you can't let your hair down - you play just as hard. When the time is right, you're not just a cat - you're a stone cold fox.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021