What Kind Of Team Player Are You In The Workplace?
What Kind Of Team Player Are You In The Workplace?
Take this quiz to see what strengths and skills you bring to your team in the workplace (and likely in life too)!
Take this quiz to see what strengths and skills you bring to your team in the workplace (and likely in life too)!

Your team has just been assigned a task, and it's due in an hour. What are you most likely to do?
You've been given the ideal job on your team. What is it?
Someone on your team just spilled coffee on their pants. What is your reaction?
Which of the following traits do you most value in interacting with your team?
What is your ideal daydream escape in a meeting? (I mean, we can't be on task all the time, right?)
The Peacemaker
The Peacemaker
You may be a reserved, people-oriented individual but you enjoy and appreciate relationships. You help and support other people to work together as a team. You keep other people's feelings, thoughts, and opinions in check, making sure each team member is heard and valued.
Others working with you should know you value FRIENDLINESS and SINCERE APPRECIATION.
Go you! You bring EMPATHY to the team!
The Analyzer
The Analyzer
You may be a reserved, task-oriented individual but you seek value, consistency and quality information.. You help the team focus on being correct and accurate. You keep the team focused on goals, tracking data, and ensuring your team does things right the first time around.
Others working with you should know you value TRUST and INTEGRITY.
Go you! You bring DILIGENCE to the team!
The Director
The Director
You may be an outgoing, people-oriented individual but you focus on getting things done. You help the team accomplish tasks and get to the bottom line as quickly as possible. You enjoy MAKING IT HAPPEN! You supply the team with direction and always keep the "big picture" in mind.
Others working with you should know you value RESPECT and RESULTS.
Go you! You bring LEADERSHIP to the team!
The Socializer
The Socializer
You may be an outgoing, people-oriented individual but you love to interact, socialize and make sure the team is having fun. You care deeply what others on the team think of you and focus on ensuring everyone is actively involved. Is someone disengaged? Not on your watch!
Others working with you should know you value ADMIRATION and RECOGNITION.
Go you! You bring COMMUNICATION to the team!