What Female Ballet Character Are You?

How does your personality compare to those of your favorite ballet characters? Take this quiz to find out.

Heather Rutherford
Created by Heather Rutherford (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 1, 2016

What’s your favorite color?

Who’s your Prince Charming?

How would you describe your style?

Which word best describes you?

What’s your favorite type of costume to wear?

What’s your favorite type of food?

What’s your favorite part of ballet class?

Which correction does your ballet teacher give you most often?

How would your friends describe you?

How many friends do you have?



From ‘The Nutcracker,’ you are Clara. You are joyful and innocent but this sometimes leads to gullibility. While some people may look to take advantage of you, it does not matter one fig because your rich fantasy life will carry you through any darkness in your life.



From ‘Swan Lake,’ you are Odile. You are beautiful and talented but you have a string of evil running through you. If there is something you want, you will go to insane extremes just to make sure that you come out the victor. This competitive nature may serve you well in some circumstances but don’t be surprised if your prince dives into the pond with another swan.



You are Giselle. You are beautiful but quiet. You let your emotions run your life which may lead to moments of dark despair. However, once you weather any emotional storm, you may find that your haunting nature sticks with those who have wronged you. This should give you some solace as you move on with your life.



From ‘Don Quixote,’ you are Kitri. You have a fiery personality that people can’t help but be attracted to. However, your strong-willed nature can make you difficult to live with at times. It is always your way or the highway and those who can’t get on board can start packing. You are not fond of anyone who tries to control you.



You are Aurora from, ‘Sleeping Beauty.’ You are the ultimate princess. You are beautiful, kind and blessed with many talents. However, your many gifts also cause some people to innately dislike you. While you should always watch your back you will find that good fortune has a way of finding you.

Swanhilda (Coppelia)

Swanhilda (Coppelia)

You are Swanhilda from, ‘Coppelia.’ You have a mischievous and playful nature but you are most mischievous when looking to get your way. Instead of direct and honest conversation, you prefer to play games. While your cunning efforts do win some favors, don’t be surprised if your quirky habits also cause you heartache in the future.

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