Which 'Arrested Development' Character Are You?

No family is more hilariously dysfunctional than the Bluths. From incestuous innuendos, tawdry affairs and embezzlement, they certainly are an eclectic group. Which 'Arrested Development' character are you? Take this quiz to find out.

Created by Hollywood.com
On Sep 17, 2015

Which best describes your relationship with your family?

What is your dream job?

What is your relationship like with money?

Pick a Lucille quote.

Choose a mode of transportation.

Are you easily frazzled?

Can you keep a secret?

Choose a drink.

What's your biggest flaw?

Are you a good person?

What does a chicken sounds like?

You got, Michael Bluth!

You got, Michael Bluth!

You often feel as if you're the only sane and reasonable person around you, and you find this very frustrating. You are extremely intelligent and have a great head on your shoulders. You would find time to do more of what you love in life if you weren't so busy taking care of everyone else's issues. More than anything you want stability and normalcy.

You got, Gob Bluth!

You got, Gob Bluth!

You are a creative person and have wonderful ideas and yet, the people around you don't often see your vision. As a result of your very competitive nature, you also tend to find yourself in rather precarious situations. You generally mean well, but sometimes you have trouble reigning in your emotions.

You got, Lucille Bluth!

You got, Lucille Bluth!

You can't be bothered with trivial characteristics like being nice others because you are smart enough to know that kindness won't get you far in life. Your family is acceptable to you only when they are doing what you say, and they generally do. You have very little filter, and are accustomed to blurting out whatever comes to your head.

You got, Buster Bluth!

You got, Buster Bluth!

You adore your family and would do anything for them, despite the fact that doing most things makes you nervous. You are kind and well-meaning and are often unsure why people seem uneasy around you. Though you're quite smart, you get anxiety when you have to make decisions so you allow yourself to be guided by your loved ones.

You got, Lindsay Bluth!

You got, Lindsay Bluth!

Though you are often seen as materialistic and self-absorbed, you aren't that way intentionally. Life is difficult and you do your best to simply get through each day in one piece; luxury just makes it easier. You find your family annoying the majority of the time, but you still love them. Your views on life may seem radical to others, but you're just trying to define who you are.

You got, Tobias Fünke!

You got, Tobias Fünke!

You're just trying to find your calling and you'll do whatever it takes to discover what that is. Though your friends and family often turn down their noses at your ventures, you love them because you know they mean well...you think. Though you often involve yourself in situations that have little to do with you, you sometimes aren't quite sure what is actually happening.

You got, George Michael Bluth!

You got, George Michael Bluth!

You are desperate to be liked by others, but you often look around at your life and find it extremely puzzling. You are easily frazzled, but you mean well. You also adore you're family even though you often don't understand them.

You got, Maeby Fünke!

You got, Maeby Fünke!

You are extremely intelligent and easily bored by other people's stupidity. Your favorite pastime is outsmarting others. Though you might seem nonchalant about the relationships you have with your family members, you want nothing more than to be loved, noticed and accepted by them.

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