Can We Guess How Many Past Lives You Lived By Your Color IQ?
Can We Guess How Many Past Lives You Lived By Your Color IQ?
Your color preferences tells us how times around the cosmic cycle you've completed..
Your color preferences tells us how times around the cosmic cycle you've completed..

Would you say this picture is more...
And how about this one:
Go on...
And this one:
Three Previous Lives
Three Previous Lives
You've made it several rotations through the human life cycle. Your ability to change and grow with each rebirth is impressive. Hopefully, this lifetime will be your greatest achievement!
Five Previous Lives
Five Previous Lives
You are venerated. Having lived many lives, you possess a wisdom gained throughout the ages and are wise beyond your years.
Eleven Previous Lives
Eleven Previous Lives
An older soul than most, you've seen the sun dawn and set hundreds of thousands of times. The knowledge stored in your collective unconsciousness is truly amazing. Use it wisely.
First Time Around
First Time Around
For you, life may seem like a blur at times. This is because your soul is fresh and impressionable. Take advantage of your newness to live the best life possible!