How Well Do You Know The Wand Usage In The Harry Potter Books?
How Well Do You Know The Wand Usage In The Harry Potter Books?
Try and guess tough wand usage questions based on a study by
Try and guess tough wand usage questions based on a study by
Which character was the first to mention a wand in the series?
How many times was a wand used across all 7 Harry Potter books?
A spell is successfully executed _ out of 5 times.
In which Harry Potter book did wands have the highest rate of failure? (Hint: They failed 35% of the time)
Deathly Hallows had the most wand usage in the series with 247 instances. Which book had the second highest with 158 instances?
We saw Rita Skeeter use her wand ____ in the series.
Harry Potter used his wand most in the series (duh) with 209 instances. Who used their wand the most after Harry with 86 instances?
Which of these characters used their wand 25 times across the series, ranking them 7th in wand usage?
Which spell was used the most in the Harry Potter series?