Which Baratheon Bastard Are You?
Which Baratheon Bastard Are You?
Are you filled with the fury or sweet as a peach?
Are you filled with the fury or sweet as a peach?

Which place reminds you of home?
What’s your dad like?
What's your favorite drink?
Pick a favorite funny lady.
When someone cuts in line, you:
Pick a holiday destination:
Is your mom a little promiscuous?
What animal speaks to you?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Are you stubborn?
Are you flirty?
Would you say you're very charismatic?
What are you afraid of?
Who's your favorite Stark?
What house words do you most identify with?
Mya Stone
Mya Stone
You’re Mya Stone!
Ah, Mya: Robert’s first and favorite kid. A born dreamer, time’s turned her into a cynical realist. Her dad’s jolly and fearless nature makes her the perfect traveling companion, and her refreshing confidence means that she doesn’t really have to care about her looks—Mya knows she’s fabulous. She’s charming and scrappy and at times a little naive, but Mya’s a determined, proactive person whose tough enough to make it wherever life takes her. So, don’t be fooled by her easy, breezy attitude, because Mya’s downright stubborn as a mule when she needs to be.
Image from AWOIAF by Heliotropa.
Bella at the Peach
Bella at the Peach
You’re Bella from the Peach!
Don’t be fooled! Bella might be fun and flirty, but this girl also knows when it’s time to get down to business to defeat the huns. Proactive and goal-oriented, Bella makes sure she uses every single one of her assets in her arsenal to get what she wants. So sure, her charm brings the boys in, but her wits keep them paying.
You’re Gendry!
Ah, Gendry, that beautiful, stubborn lad. A man of few words, Gendry’s more perceptive than most, but still a little bit daft when it comes to affairs of the heart. He’s naive, though he’d hate to admit it, and though he has the moral chops it takes to lead, he’s fine taking the backseat instead. An extraordinary kid, Gendry’s always felt confident in his own self-worth, while still being aware of his strengths and limitations. Loyal and strong, Gendry remains true to both his friends, and his convictions.
Edric Storm
Edric Storm
You’re Edric Storm!
That charming little bastard, Edric Storm’s got his daddy’s fierce pride and smooth moves with the ladies. At first glance, people might think him a little bit spoiled, but Edric’s really a softy at heart. A carefree kid with a sparkle of mischief in his eyes, it’s hard not to love Storm’s End’s dashing diva.
Barra the Baby
Barra the Baby
You’re Barra the Baby!
Barra is an infant! She cries a lot and enjoys getting fed. She doesn’t always understand what’s going on, but she sure thinks her mom’s pretty cool.
Secret Lannister Incest Baby
Secret Lannister Incest Baby
You’re a Secret Lannister Incest Baby!
The Secret Lannister Incest Babies are so clueless, they don’t even know they’re bastards! So sure, they’re not the sharpest tools in the shed, but they have a lot of other stuff going for them. Like a moldy peach, they’re a little bit spoiled, but generally (two-thirds of the time) super sweet. So complicated that they can’t even really understand themselves, they have a spark of true bravery in them. Not afraid to go against the grain and do what they think is right, they accept the role life has given them, and choose to meet it head on.