Which High School Clique Do You Belong In?
Which High School Clique Do You Belong In?
We all know about the Jock,Popular kids, the Nerds etc but do you really know which one you are? (My first Playbuzz quiz)
We all know about the Jock,Popular kids, the Nerds etc but do you really know which one you are? (My first Playbuzz quiz)

Saturday night you are most likely are...
You're daily outfit consists of....
How many friends do you have?
What is your favorite subject?
And finally, which one do you want to be? (Doesn't affect the answer)
You're a Jock! You're sporty, outgoing and you love the outdoors! You tend to be hosting the parties and gym is your number one subject!
You're a Nerd! Now don't be disappointed this isn't bad. You're the smartest kid in school and everyone comes to you for homework help. You LOVE books and anything that has to do with reading.
You're a Geek! You eat, sleep and breathe video games and love anything to do with fantasy/sci-fi. You don't get out much but you love to socialize.
You're a Hipster! Starbucks and big glasses are kinda your thing. Thrift stores are your home and you know ALL the latest trends on social media. Speaking of social you are the QUEEN of it!
You're a Prep! You show up to ALL the cheerleader practices you are ALWAYS in the school spirit and you just always send of a good vibe.
You're an Artsy Student. You rule Instagram. You're constantly inspired and doodling anywhere and everywhere. You are either going to be a painter or tattoo artist.
You're a Music Student! You love any type of music, you're constantly listening to music and if you're not? Well then, you're tapping your foot or breaking out into song.
You're a Fangirl/Fanboy! You are a MEME QUEEN and have every social media site active at once. You never miss an announcement by your fave celebrity and are pro at stalking peoples Instagram. You can get really excited or really emotional and you have this weird obsession with YOUR SHIPS.