What Lego Friends Character are you

This quiz is going to see what Lego Friends character are you.

Isabella Hodge
Created by Isabella Hodge(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 23, 2017

What is your Favorite Animal?

What is your favorite color?

Favorite Flower?

Whats your hair color?

Favorite Things to do!

What is your eye color?



Mia is friendly, helpful, and adventurous, but can get upset rather easily. She loves animals and nature and enjoys caring for both.



Emma is sweet and happy, but can be scared quite easily. She is very creative and loves to draw, do crafts, and design clothes and jewelry.



Olivia is a little shy, but is very sweet and is also smart and creative. She loves science, especially geology, and technology, and enjoys doing experiments and inventing.



Andrea is cheerful, funny, a dreamer, and is a bit of drama queen. She is not vain, but loves dressing up fancy and being praised for her performing skills.



Stephanie is outgoing and very confident. In fact, she is the one who brought her friends together. Stephanie is also an organization freak, and does not like having her plans messed up.

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