10 Reasons Why Orchestral Music is Awesome
10 Reasons Why Orchestral Music is Awesome
And why you must try it…
And why you must try it…

It tells a story
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Take Stravinsky’s Firebird for instance, it’s all about sorcerers, magical creatures and spells. You can actually hear when the Firebird is released and majestically soars to freedom. Spectacular.
It asks nothing from you and gives so much in return
Literally all you need to do is sit back and listen while over 60 elite musicians put their hearts, souls and every ounce of stamina they can muster into creating something incredibly beautiful just for you. That’s right, you’re that special to them!
It’s with you through some of the most pivotal points in your life
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From the most joyous of occasions like a wedding to the saddest like a funeral, orchestral music is the crutch so many of us rely on when words fail, that way we can simply feel.
Hollywood's stolen some of the classics
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Hollywood has commandeered some of the greatest pieces of classical music because they’re epic. But that shouldn't mean you can only enjoy them as part of the film, there’s a gigantic orchestral score for you to discover!
It's already a huge part of your life, you just don’t realise it is!
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Music enhances what we see, it tells us what to feel and makes those tears prickling at the back of your eyes spill down your cheeks. The same can be said for thousands of other TV shows or films out there, without music much of the impact is lost.