What would your score be on Black Mirror's Nosedive?

Would you get that coveted 4.5 - or would you be in social Siberia?

Created by (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 23, 2016

What's your Uber rating?

How many Twitter followers on average do your closest friends have?

What does your average Instagram post look the most like?

If someone you didn't like spilled their coffee on you, how would you respond?

Do you tell your friends what you really think?

Have you ever done something just because it would look good on social media?

Have you ever posted something but then deleted it because it didn't get enough likes?



Wow - you either don't mince your words, causing others to downvote you constantly, or you're absolutely rubbish at documenting your life on social media. Better plaster that fake smile on and get Instagramming - or your social life is pretty much over.



You have a foot in the real world - but you do something to keep your social media presence healthy. Either you blog about something you're interested in, play video games or tweet about politics. You don't, however, let the points game take control of your life. Good luck getting a 4.2 or above to chat to you, though.



You try really hard to get that rating up - smiling at baristas, posting pictures of your food online and never letting anyone know when they've annoyed you. Everyone can tell you try hard on social media - and you're not a pro - so it might take you a while to get up to 4.5 or above. Is it worth it?



Wow - you're a social media guru. And you are obsessed with it. Every choice you make is dictated or at least influenced by how many likes you'll get. Is that any way to live? At least you have now unlocked the perks of having such a high rating, and you're the envy of everyone.

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