Whose Ghost Is Hiding In Your Closet?

What is that weird noise coming from the closet? It's not quite a creaking. It almost sounds like scraping. if you try to listen too hard it sounds like wailing, but if you ignore it for awhile it sounds like moaning. It must be a ghost, but whose ghost is it? Pull yourself together and take this quiz to find out.

Jack Jersey
Created by Jack Jersey
On Oct 21, 2015

Describe your house.

What does your closet look like?

What is the weather like right now?

Do you believe in an afterlife?

How does this image make you feel?

Are you romantically involved right now?

Which of the following scares you the most?

Which of the following dirty jobs would you hate the most?

If you die tonight, what do you want us to tell people?

The ghosts of star-crossed lovers

The ghosts of star-crossed lovers

Oh come on! Stop getting so worked up. It's just Luficious and Bedillia: the most tumultuous and vicious lovers in history. They were so in love, it created a seething jealousy in each of them that turned into a murderous rage, and they butchered anyone whom they perceived to be a rival, including a vicar, two locomotive engineers and a squirrel. One of them is looking at you and winking. Don't fret. I'm sure this won't end in your bloody murder.

The ghost of a civil war soldier

The ghost of a civil war soldier

Relax. It's just a haunt who was killed by his fellow soldier in arms: Cedric. Both young men were vying for the hand of the Colonel's daughter, Maybelline who, unbeknownst to either of them, thought they were both twits and planned to keep her hand for herself. Cedric had to settle on Bugsy, his second sister twice removed. Come to think of it, you look a bit like Cedric and even more like Bugsy. Maybe you're related, and Cedric is here to exact his revenge. Sleep tight!

The ghost of a tragic maiden

The ghost of a tragic maiden

Don't worry, it's just the ghost of a woman who died far too young. One strange thing is that when she died, she had a golden arm. How did she lose her flesh arm? Who knows? Maybe there was a corn threshing accident, or maybe she just really wanted a golden arm. Oddly, she wasn't buried with the precious appendage, and now she's doomed to roam the earth looking for it. Where is it? Maybe YOU HAVE IT!!!

No ghost. It's just the cat.

No ghost. It's just the cat.

Oh jeez! It's just the cat. Don't be so jumpy. Just because it sounds like there is a demonic presence with red eyes and a black soul in your closet, doesn't mean it's not a harmless little kitty-cat playing with the sleeves of your jackets. Close your eyes. Go back to sleep. WAIT! You do have a cat, don't you?

No ghost. It's just this guy.

No ghost. It's just this guy.

You thought it might be the cat, but it's not. It's this guy. Who is he? What does he want? How did he get into your closet? Where did he get that sweater? SNAP OUT OF IT! What are doing lying there, helpless and vulnerable, asking stupid questions when This Guy is in your closet right now?! If you aren't paralyzed with fear you should scream as loud as you can and run away as fast as you're able. He looks like he wants to eat your skin with steak sauce.

The ghost of your great aunt

The ghost of your great aunt

Calm down. It's just your benevolent old Aunt Minty. You don't know about her because no one in the family talks about Minty, or if they do, it's in hushed whispers at the candlelight vigils held on the anniversary of The Incident: "such a shame," or, "why did she have to kill them all?" or "why did the chainsaw need to be rusty?" Wait! Did we say benevolent Aunt Minty? Sorry. Playbuzz gets words mixed up sometimes. We meant malevolent. Nighty night!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021