What's Your Back To School Anthem?
What's Your Back To School Anthem?
Do you enjoy learning your ABC's, or do you not need no education?
Do you enjoy learning your ABC's, or do you not need no education?

Do you/did you look forward to taking classes that interest you?
What stereotype would YOU contribute to the Breakfast Club?
Have you ever, like, actually used the library?
Have you ever fallen asleep in class?
Do you/did you ever get in trouble with your friends during classtime?
To you, college is:
Cliques are for ______.
Do you/did you have an absolute favorite teacher?
School Days - Chuck Berry
School Days - Chuck Berry
You're old school at heart, and your anthem reflects it! A classic from the 50's, "School Days" captures the excitement of heading back to school mixed with all the "same ol" feelings of nostalgia and "been there, done that". You enjoy school and getting an education, but it's not exactly what you live for. Basically - you're doing it right!
Saved By The Bell - Tom Weir
Saved By The Bell - Tom Weir
School is, to you, one giant social event - and why wouldn't it be? Life's too short not to hang with friends and party the night away after school. Sure, there's lots of work to be done and a future to have and what not - but right now is about making the friends you'll have for the rest of your life, and you've got the social aspect of school on lock down!
ABC - The Jackson 5
ABC - The Jackson 5
While most dread going back to school - you welcome it with groovin' open arms! You are academically oriented like the best of students - and you OWN schoolwork! Consider this classic hit from the Jackson 5 an ode to your love for schoolin' and all the amazing opportunities it brings. Hey, if you've got to do it - might as well enjoy it and make the best of it, right?
Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd
Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd
Rebel, much? You don't exactly believe that you "don't need no education", but you definitely live life thinking outside the box - and above all will challenge what you hear in the classroom instead of just believing everything a teacher says. That is, if you make it to class in the first place. You're of the school of hard knocks - and know street smarts will get you infinitely further than book learnin'. This classic may as well be your LIFE anthem!