Which Star Wars Character Are You?
Which Star Wars Character Are You?
You think you have what it takes to survive in a galaxy far far away? Find Out now!
You think you have what it takes to survive in a galaxy far far away? Find Out now!
Which code?
Which Weapon?
Where do you get your power?
Life Form?
Favorite Color?
Favorite Character?
Peace or War?
You are master yoda. You will live as long as the force allows you to. may the force be with you master.
Darth Malgus
Darth Malgus
You are a master of hatred, self proclaimed leader. You will destroy your foes given any chance. You are a very powerful sith, as long as you remember the sith code.
Han Solo
Han Solo
You are a gun for hire. You will do whatever for the right price. You love money almost as much as you do yourself. Occasionally you will help someone out, but you still want something in return.
Gonk Droid
Gonk Droid
You are others power source. The ships will go down without you. Sometimes everyone thinks you're a useless machine, but have hope. Power others.
You are a mandalorian, you have great honor, you are a strong confident warrior. You will do anything and everything for your clan. Good Hunting.