How Well Do You Remember "Elf?"
How Well Do You Remember "Elf?"
Swear you know this movie? Or do you sit on a throne of lies?
Swear you know this movie? Or do you sit on a throne of lies?

Buddy looks for his father in which city?
Who raised Buddy?
What does Buddy put on his spaghetti?
Santa's Sleigh is assisted by a jet engine that runs on what type of fuel?
Buddy has a crush on a girl. What is her name?
What is number one in The Code of Elves?
How did Buddy end up in the North Pole?
Which of the following is NOT one of the four main food groups that elves try to stick to?
Which department store does Buddy work at?
There are only three jobs available to an elf: baking cookies in a tree, building toys in Santa's workshop, and _________?
What toy is Buddy making when he calls himself a cotton-headed ninny muggins?
Who is Michael?
What is Buddy's favorite activity?
What song does the crowd of people sing at the end?
What is the name of Buddy's daughter?